30 de April de 2024

Best of 2023 – wedding photography in Portugal and around

It has become a tradition that the launch of the best of Menino conhece Menina is our birthday celebration – it was already in 2022, in 2021 and in 2019. It's a way to make public this celebration - our website ornate in party mood and our networks rocketing a little more than usual. This way we share our joy and the best we do in wedding photography in Portugal and abroad. Here is our 2023, in 3.25 minutes.
26 de March de 2024

Menino conhece Menina, wedding photographers in Venice in time of Covid19

Menino conhece Menina, wedding photographers in Venice for a day and photographers of the impossible for a week.
1 de May de 2022
best of 2020-2021 wedding photographers menino conhece menina

Best of 2020-2021 as wedding photographers

From this elongated and singular time that was the pandemic period, these are the images of our work as wedding photographers that touch us the most. They are the ones that made us shiver at the moment of shooting, the ones we wept for at the moment of editing (yes, it happens too!); they are the spectacular ones that jumped into the camara by themselves, and they are the subtle ones that we had to find on little cat feet. Some are obviously recognizable, others were silent hidden treasures among an immense myriad.
13 de April de 2022
menino conhece mundo boy and girl jumping in the sand at sunset

Menino conhece Mundo

From Menino conhece Menina (Boy meets Girl) arises Menino conhece Mundo (Boy meets World), walking the paths of documentary family photography. (...) Soup bowls, ball games, scratched knees and ice cream mouths here will be. Birthday candles, ocean dives and holly water on the head. Documentary family photography – of those families we cross paths with and of our own! – sheltering life, collecting it and transporting it to the future. The everyday life and the special days of life!
29 de March de 2022
iceland engagement session couple with pijamas and bags

Iceland engagement session

2020 opened with an engagement session in Iceland, in the first days of January. It was a dream coming to life: landscape, waterfalls, glaciers and auroras; travel, challenge and adventure! A couple was crossing the world, from China, and was taking us with them to live this adventure. They would be subject, in between the white, in our photographs. Adventure was what we had, but in a very different way from what we expected!
21 de May de 2021
children hand writting drawing family wedding photography

9 years of wedding photography in a new online home

www.meninoconhecemenina.com matures a little more. It shows in the best possible way us and our work, today. It is simple and minimal, quiet and discreet - just like us! We try to leave all the protagonism to the photographs - just as, in the wedding day, we try to leave the protagonism to people and their moments.
14 de April de 2020

photography in times of COVID19

Our neighbor has a rooster! This wouldn’t be strange if we didn’t live in Porto city center. Perhaps the rooster has lived in the garden next to ours for many months but only now we have discovered it, now that COVID-19 interrupted the world and our work in photography, and locked us down. Every time the rooster crows, we laugh like fools, for the unusual of having a rooster neighbor, and our little ones cackle and run around the house flapping imaginary wings. On the living room couch, there are landing strips for our rooster-kids' flights...
4 de June de 2019

cabo espichel wedding

We all have favorite places and Cabo Espichel is clearly one of mine (this is Raquel at keyboard commands) since the time of Architecture studies and the enthusiastic passion for the Survey on Popular Architecture in Portugal. So, when the opportunity to photograph this wedding in Cabo Espichel came up, my heart was thrilled that one more dream was about to be fulfilled!
1 de May de 2019
best wedding photographer 2018 wedding reportage menino conhece menina wedding photography best portugal photographer

our best wedding photos in 2018

And so, in this 1st of May, we look at our closest yesterday, very happy for all the days before and, above all, eager to look to tomorrow. This is the best of us in 2018. It is the celebration of the extraordinary year we have lived but it is, more than anything, a motivational boost for 2019 that has just begun!
11 de February de 2019

best wedding photographers 2018 in WPJA and This is Reportage

2019 arrived and brought the news: we are among the 25 best photographers in WPJA in 2018. And the best is that this news comes together with another one already from December: we are among the 30 best photographers in This is Reportage.
11 de February de 2019
destination wedding aldeia de penalva village sagres algarve beach pool party civil ceremony

destination wedding in Aldeia de Pedralva

Angela is from Braga, Laurentiu is romanian. They met somewhere in Europe and they came with their closest ones to make their Destination Wedding in Aldeia de Pedralva, in Algarve. It was the end of summer, with its long and golden sunsets and it was one of the more joyful weddings of 2017. And this story was yet to be told ...
28 de September de 2018
Wedding reportage menino conhece menina wedding photography this is now trinity bride flower girls groom church Amarante Sao Goncalo

This is How – wedding reportage taking place

There is finally a place that takes the wedding photography and discusses it deeply: not on presets or gadgets; hard and pure photography. ‘This is How’ is that place and, on its last edition there is a picture of ours.